1. All www.sundirect.lv products are covered by the manufacturer’s warranty

2. The manufacturer’s warranty period for the goods is from 2 to 5 years

3. Information about the manufacturer’s warranty period for the specific product can be found in the product description, as well as it is possible to specify it at www.sundirect.lv customer consultant

4. The right to file a claim is valid if the product was used only in the conditions provided for it

5. Please be informed that the manufacturer’s warranty conditions are valid if the buyer can present the product purchase document Invoice, Invoice)

6. Please be informed that the warranty conditions do not apply to the product’s additional accessories (for example, the product’s accessories)

7. The manufacturer’s warranty conditions do not apply to damage caused by the fault of the buyer or user and are:
71. the product has defects in the warranty serial numbers that have made it illegible;
7.2. the product has not been used for its intended purposes and has not been operated as specified in the instructions for use of the product;
7.3. scratched, broken structures, goods maintained by incorrect means or any other traces that indicate incorrect operation of the goods;
7.4. if the damage is caused by supply voltage, non-compliance of cable networks with the standards specified by the manufacturer, rapid temperature fluctuations, as well as other domestic and external factors, such as soot, smoke, dust, humidity, shocks, scratches;
7.5. if the product shows traces of unqualified repairs;
7.6. if non-standard power supplies have been used for the product, which have not been certified by the manufacturer for use with the specified product, and if this has caused damage to the product;
7.7. if the goods have been used by the buyer for production or professional purposes (in case the specific goods are not intended for such purposes);
7.10. the warranty does not work if the damage has occurred as a result of incorrect transportation of the goods.
8. In case the goods are damaged, the buyer has the following options:

8.1. contact sundirect.lv using e – mail [email protected]

8.2. to submit information regarding the nature of the damage to the Product
8.3. submit information about the Product serial number
8.4. to attach to the information a document confirming the purchase of the Product
9. In case the warranty service is not valid, but the buyer refuses to pay for the repair, then the buyer must cover the diagnostic costs, and the buyer receives a report from the Service Center on the detected damage. If the buyer agrees to a paid repair, then the diagnostic costs do not have to be covered.

We remind you that consumers have the right to file a claim for a product that does not comply with the terms of the contract within 24 months from the date of delivery of the product.